Dominion (2008)


Game 1: 5:17 PM to 7:12 PM
05 04 02 01's
03 05 04 03's
02 03 02 06's
26 37 26 Total

First Game preset.

End Game: Duchy, Village, Market; Stephanie's turn

Comments: Remodel bad, workshop good, cellar good. Obviously village and market were great.

Game 2: 10:37 PM to 12:10 PM
04 03 03 03 01's
02 01 03 01 03's
01 05 02 04 06's
16 36 24 30 Total

Big Money preset.

End Game: Province; Daniel's turn

Comment: close game, bureaucrat becomes less useful after silver is gone, chapel is not that great, bureaucrat early is good, throne room + chancellor is a good combo

Lol, it's possible that Stephanie and I threw some victory points into the pile. It was confusing. So yeah, next time we should do like Josh and just sort in our own area first.


About 12:30 PM to About 1:20 PM.

Interaction preset.
End game: Province; Josh's turn.

Moat is important in the Interaction preset.
Bureaucrat is good at the beginning.

05 03 04 03 01's
02 03 04 03 03's
03 01 00 02 06's
31 18 16 24 Total


Game 1: 4:07 PM to 4:52 PM. 5:01 PM to finish scoring.

Size Distortion preset:
Cellar, Chapel, Feast, Gardens, Laboratory, Thief, Village, Witch, Woodcutter, Workshop

End game: Curse, Village, Feast; Josh ends with Curse
Garden was almost exhausted.

42 47 46 #Crds
09 11 07 #Curse
02 04 05 #Gardens
05 04 04 01's
02 03 01 03's
00 00 00 06's
10 18 20 Total

Game 2: 5:24 PM to 6:11 PM.

Village Square preset. Except accidentally replaced market with militia.

Duchy exhausted. Game ended on my turn with the Province.

03 04 03 01's
04 05 03 03's
04 03 05 06's
39 37 42 Total

Gold is good and easy to get in this one.
I got lucky with the Library.


My preferences from best to worst: Village Square; Size Distortion; First Game. Josh's preferences from best to worst: Size Distortion; Village Square; First Game. As such, I assign 1=Village Square and 2=Size Distortion and have Steve pick a number. He picks 1 and so we play Village Square.

At this point, we realize that yesterday we played Village Square with Militia instead of Market.

1=SN 2=JK 3=TT 4=SH
Josh picks 2, Josh goes first.


Start game at about 3:15.
End game about 3:15.
(That makes no sense... either start was at 2:15 or end was at 4:15)
Village square.
Duchy first.
Province second. Josh ended.

03 03 08 05 Estate
02 04 03 03 Duchy
03 05 00 04 Province
27 45 17 38 Total

Steve on one of his turns got two provinces, but by a remodel and a buy.

Remodel is a relatively poor card, at least in this setup.

In this game, Festival > Market.

Great combination: Festival + Throne Room




Game 1:
Started around 10:00 PM.
Ended around 11:45 PM.
Chose first player by whoever pulls the copper from copper, silver, gold.

Victory Dance preset:
Bridge, Duke, Great Hall, Harem, Ironworks, Masquerade, Nobles, Pawn, Scout, Upgrade

Steve realized he bought a Harem using Ironworks by accident.
We agreed he could replace Harem for a Pawn and a Bridge.

Scout+Great Hall is great. Great Hall alone is the best card.
Upgrade is hard to use, but has its uses: you have to trash some card and the card you gain has to cost exactly one more than the card you trashed.

Great Hall first
Bridge second.

Pawn, Masquerade, and Scout are all down to three.
I tease to end the game soon, but decide to continue in spirit of playing to win. I get some lucky rounds off and slowly gain ground.
Finally, Josh buys two Pawns.

Pawn third. Josh ended.

04 06 01 01's
04 01 01 03's
01 01 03 06's
04 05 03 Great Hall (worth 1)


01 00 00 Duke (worth number of 03's)
01 01 01 Nobles (worth 2)
01 01 02 Harem (worth 2)
34 24 31 Total

My other card distribution at game end:
Pawn (2) Bridge (4) Scout (2) Upgrade (2) Copper (12) Silver (6)

Game 2: 11:55 PM to 12:47 AM
Chose first player by whoever pulls the estate from estate, copper, silver, gold.

Secret Schemes preset:
Conspirator, Harem, Ironworks, Pawn, Saboteur, Shanty Town, Steward, Swindler, Trading Post, Tribute

Ironworks first.
Conspirator second.
Pawn third. Daniel ended.

03 04 02 04 01's
01 00 00 02 03's
02 01 01 00 06's
02 02 02 01 Harem
22 14 12 12 Total

Note: Daniel ended the game despite knowing he was losing.

Josh commented Trading Post was the worst card in this game.
He followed by saying Conspirator and Tribute were the two best cards in this game.

[20100621 12:05 AM]

Started game at about 4:30
Ended scoring at about 5:23
First Game set.
Village first.
Province second. Michael ended.

03 03 04 Estate
02 04 02 Duchy
06 05 01 Province

Personally, I had 7 coppers, 0 silvers, 8 gold, 3 market, 3 village, 2 militia, 1 smithy, 1 woodcutter, and 1 moat.


Today Ryan and I played a game of Dominion. It consisted of the following ten cards: Great Hall, Steward, Baron, Ironworks, Mining Village, Scout, Bridge, Coppersmith, Torturer, Harem.

Ryan was unlucky early game, he had a 5 copper / 2 copper split while I had a 4 copper / 3 copper split.

By the end of the game I had the following: 4, 3, 0, 3, 3, 0, 1, 0, 3, 1 (respectively). I discarded 1 Mining Village during the game. My end money is 7 Cooper, 3 Silver, 2 Gold.

The game end was (1) Great Hall, (2) Mining Village, and (3) Ironworks.

04 04 Great Hall
01 00 Harem
03 01 Estate
02 00 Duchy
03 04 Province

While I won, Ryan informed me that I should have used all my Mining Villages in my "big" turn to buy the last Province instead of buying my Harem. I would have had 4 Great Hall, 3 Estate, 1 Harem, and 4 Province.

After the game ended, Ryan revealed his Harem+Scout strategy. He also suggested that the early game here is Ironworks+Great Hall.

[20170527 Edit]

Today I played a game of Dominion with my roommate and his friend. Using the Prosperity expansion together with the original set, we played the recommended set called Biggest Money. It consists of the following ten cards: Bank, Grand Market, Mint, Royal Seal, Venture, Adventurer, Laboratory, Mine, Moneylender, Spy.

04 03 03 Estate
00 00 01 Duchy
00 02 03 Province
06 05 01 Colony
64 65 34 Total

I thought Laboratory was a really good card. For a more expensive card, then Grand Market is useful. Then one strategy is to use Moneymaker to get rid of coppers. I thought Spy might be useful, but none of us used it in a strategy.

While I'd like to blame the Union Craft Duckpin Pale Ale for my loss, we were all drinking some beer, and if anything I had the least to drink.
(1)=First (E)=Ended (!)=Won (T)=Tie
Played 20100610 Josh(1) Stephanie(E)(!) Me. First Game. 115 min.
Played 20100610 Stephanie Daniel(E)(!) Josh Me(1). Big Money. 93 min.
Played 20100611 Josh(1)(E)(!) Daniel Stephanie Me. Interaction. 50 min.
Played 20100615 Josh(E) Stephanie(1) Me(!). Size Distortion. 54 min.
Played 20100615 Josh(1) Stephanie Me(E)(!). Village Square (almost). 47 min.
Played 20100616 Steve Josh(1)(E)(!) Stephanie Me. Village Square. 60 min (?).
Played 201006?? Josh Steve Me. ?. ? min.
Played 20100620 Josh(E)(!) Steve(1) Me. Best Wishes. 105 min.
Recorded 20100620 Josh(1)(!) Daniel(E) Stephanie Steve. 52 min.
Played 20100628 Josh(T) Michael(E) Me(1)(T). First Game. 53 min.
Played 20111123 Ryan Me(1)(!).
Played 20120127
Played 20140308. Vitaly(1) Dan(!) Me. Biggest Money. 40 min.
Dominion (2008)

Relevant Links:
Dominion Webpage (Rio Grande Games)
Dominion (

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