Scattergories: The Card Game

This is a pretty fun game. The strategy is to stick with a category you know well. For example, Steve racked up a bunch of points this way on artists. (While I should have asked earlier, Phuong clarified artists includes music artists. Darn.) At the time, however, I thought it was fun to change the category often. Phuong mentioned at game's end that they had an advantage by playing the game before and as such reused many answers. This is the limitation to such types of games, e.g., Taboo, Guesstures, and Cranium. They made use of narwhals in this game.

[20091218 0014]

Haha, I have too much fun with this game. One such fun cost me a point. So the category is "It is sweet" and the letter is "E". There are rules for what happens if it takes too long for everybody to think of something. But I couldn't help but try for "Earrings." Because if you give a girl earrings, they're gonna be like, "Sweet!" At least the votes were positive on a different one, "S" + "In the kitchen" -> Sex. We had fun in this round with rhinoceros.

A breeze is not cold. You can have a warm summer's breeze. Boys would not be on a plane. But beverages are on a plane. Rocks are dangerous. Africa is Africa and hence Africa is not in Africa. Pie in the sky is accepted, it's an expression. Pennies in a mall were accepted, but for the pennies in a fountain, not for pennies in like a cash register.

I suppose it would be better to discuss, what should it mean to be in somewhere, and if it has to be in most of these somewhere, or some of the somewhere, or just somewhere. For example, would handcuffs in a bedroom be acceptable? Would a television in a living room be acceptable? Would a telephone in the kitchen be acceptable? Usually the answers we give in the kitchen are food products or utensils. And technically, now that I think about it, the food isn't always there. ::shrug::

20150113 Comment:
I eventually bought my own copy with this game. I recall bringing it to a party once and I also brought it to play at Firefly 2014.
Played 20091216 Phuong Steve (flip let.) Stephanie (flip categ.) Me. Phuong won.
Played 20091218 Stephanie Me (flip categ.) Josh (flip let.) Steve Kevin. Steve won.
Played 20091228 Kevin (30) Stephanie (13) (flip categ.) Josh (23) (flip let.) Me (20). Kevin won.
Scattegories: The Card Game

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